Advocate with Aqua-Aston #ForOurReef

Hawaii coral reefs account for 85% of all coral reefs in the U.S. In recent years, coral bleaching has reached unprecedented levels due to pollution including oxybenzone - a chemical commonly used in sunscreen.

With hotels and resort-condos throughout the Hawaiian Islands, Aqua-Aston Hospitality is dedicated to conserving coral reefs and marine-life by raising public awareness about the environmental benefits of using mineral-based sunscreen. Advocate with Aqua-Aston #ForOurReef sunscreen initiative is the first public education campaign of its kind. Since Earth Day 2017, our company has been raising public awareness about the harmful effects that certain sunscreens have on corals.

Through property activations, community engagement, partnerships, endorsements, and robust media relations, our company has produced real results in our "greendeavors." Join us - we're all in this together.

How is Aqua-Aston making a difference?


Property Activations
  • We provide on-site sunscreen dispensers with reef-safe suncreen, complimentary to guests.
  • Signage is placed at the Front Desk of our properties to bring awareness and educate on the importance of using reef-safe sunscreen.
  • We organize volunteer activations, lectures, and PSAs throughout Hawaii.
  • We distribute samples of reef-safe suncreen to the public at a multitude of charity and community events.
  • Endorsed by Dr. Craig Downs
  • Partnership with Hawaiian Airlines
  • Sponsorship: Exhibit at Bishop Museum
  • Sponsorship: Waikiki Aquarium
  • On July 3, 2018 Hawaii became the first state to ban sunscreen containing chemicals that are harmful to coral reef.
  • On the floor of the State Capitol, Senator Mike Gabbard said, "It's encouraging that our tourist industry is stepping up, with companies like Aqua-Aston doing their part to provide reef-friendly sunscreens to their guests."




Green Business Certifications

Since 2010, Aqua-Aston hotels have been recognized more than any other hotel management company in Hawaii by the Hawaii Green Business Program (HGBP) for innovative work to conserve energy and implement sustainable practices that will protect the environment and help Hawaii meet its clean energy goals.

The Hawaii Green Business Program (HGBP) benefits Include: reduced waste and utility costs; Improved systems and equipment performance;  Attracting environmentally conscious customers; Demonstrating community good will; Providing a safer workplace.

Our certified “green” hotels include:

  • Aqua Aloha Surf Waikiki
  • Aqua Palms Waikiki